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Looking for ways to promote a quality and safety culture?
The Hush Foundation has been leading the effort to improve quality and safety cultures in healthcare with kindness for over two decades. The Kindness in Action program supports teams to practically apply the key values and behaviours which underpin quality and safety. Subscribing organisations will receive regular learning modules across 12 months to support sustainable, whole of organisation improvement.
Unique, creative and engaging learning resources - year round
Bite sized learning to fit with busy workloads and existing initatives and priorities.
All the work is done for you!
Support your team today

How does the program benefit teams and organisations?
Fit-for-purpose: Our resources address key challenges and opportunities, including quality and safety, patient experience, staff safety, wellbeing and retention.
Impactful: Change takes time. Consistent, creative messaging across the year helps teams translate ideas to action. Kindness works.
Accessible: We know how busy your staff are. We’ve designed engaging, practical, bite-sized learning tools which can work within existing team meetings, wellbeing initiatives, and training.
Respectful: Make use of the existing skills in your teams with self directed, peer to peer learning.
Integrated: Help your existing commitments and initiatives work smarter, not harder. Our resources work with People Matters, Compacts, Statement of Priorities and organisational values.

What's Included?
A range of learning kits aligned with:
The case for kindness
Building personal resources for kindness
Being kind to others
(World Patient Safety Day)
Being kind to self
(World Mental Health Day)
World Kindness Week
(All staff access to international online Gathering of Kindness event - daily)
Kind teams
Kind organisations
Creating positive change
(World Safety Day & Patient and Human Experience Week)
Being part of a movement
What Matters to You?
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