We know that our work changes people and the experience of healthcare
There is nothing more powerful than the shared experience, and the first step in that is actually sharing our stories. We are fortunate to work with so many inspiring people, from all walks of life, of all ages, and all experiences.
Thank you to everyone who has offered to share their stories of the way Hush has touched their lives. We are so grateful to have been a part of yours. If you have a story about how Hush has helped you, please get in touch.
Amelia and her family's story

"It was winter 2002 when our two year old daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia. Our world crashed around us overnight. There were moments when being heavily pregnant with our third child, I honestly thought we were losing the battle for Amelia’s survival.
It was then that we meet Dr Catherine Crock who was the doctor in charge of the all the lumbar punctures Amelia had to endure. Our world changed when a collaboration of committed staff and parents got the Hush Foundation up and running.
We were one of those families and music has been the comfort and centre to Amelia’s life since. We as a family will forever remain indebted to Catherine for having the real empathy to understand what our family was facing and introducing HUSH throughout the RCH for the betterment of all our children.
Amelia is now a healthy 16 year old doing year 11, who interestingly, doesn’t function without music. The experience she had as a very sick toddler has shaped her life forever and thanks to HUSH Amelia sings each day and has performed music at her school and at private functions. Amelia believes that the connection made to music when she was so sick is why she knows music will play an important part of her life forever".
Thank you Hush and Dr Catherine for putting the families first and encouraging the role of music therapy not just in survival but for the quality of life experience for patients and their families for their lifetime!
The work that the Hush Foundation does is not about saving children it’s about making the journey of survival bearable and taking away the pain of the treatment."
Albury Wodonga Health had a great response to the “Hear Me” health play and was eager to have the cast and crew return to present “Do you know me?” This second play had a significant impact on the staff, students, patients and carers who attended. The important issues raised and the characters portrayed resonated with many who attended and stimulated thought provoking discussion.
Tracey Parnell, Allied Health Clinical Education Coordinator, Albury Wodonga Health
I found the scene where the health care worker ended up in care to be a powerful way to demonstrate how quickly we could all be in that position. My take home message from the play is to remember to treat people the way I would like to be treated.
Anthea Griffith, Speech pathologist, after a performance of "Do You Know Me?" Bendigo Hospital, June 1 2017